Loretta’s Presidents message

As I write my last President’s Message I would like to say Thanks to the current Executive for all their support.
Walking has always been my passion since high school and my service to this club has been because of this devotion; and the desire to improve the trail and make it safer.
Our efforts as a club paid off as we celebrated our 40th Anniversary; all sections of the trail are now open; reroute off Sunset is completed; for safety reasons. Boardwalk funding and material ordered; just hoping the weather co-operates April 16th.
Our membership remains constant; but if each of us asked just one person to join our club, membership would increase.
There are many excuses for not taking responsibility but there are more for stepping up and doing what needs to be done.
If you are at all interested in keeping this trail and club alive please call and I will help mentor anyone.
Soon it will be Spring; so get out there and enjoy the best local hiking trail around.
Loretta Vaughan