Annual AGM tonight

AGM April 23 7pm St Thomas Library We have also started trail maintanence. Thank you to the 8 members who came out today and accomplished so much! Remaining dates all … Read more

End-to-end finishers

Here is Linda and Roseann after completing the October End-to-end. Both had a great time and Linda liked visiting Mackie’s one more time. Congratulations. Way to go!

Day 4 of End-to-end

The weather was great. A wonderful fall day. Unfortunately the rainy summer and great downpour days played havoc on the trail. Two bridges were uprooted. One by trees falling on … Read more

Day 3 of End-to-end

Well it had to happen, the weather was less than cooperative today. Not torrential downpour but a steady mist. The trail was quite muddy and slippery still 8 hardy hikers … Read more